Currently not available due to bad trail conditions.
New offer for the advanced riders out there!
Our Half Day Ride – Tilson Lake is the perfect choice for people with riding experience who want to explore Riding Mountain National Park. This ride takes you on a real adventure with approximately 3.5 hours of riding. We start at Deep Lake Entrance and follow Tilson Lake West Trail to the back country campsite. Time to take a break and use the chance to cool off the horses’ legs in Tilson Lake before heading back.
Adventure to Tilson Lake
This trail is rather challenging: It includes steep uphill and downhill sections over rocky terrain, muddy/wet spots to cross, and short stretches of bushwhacking (branches! duck your head 😉 ). So, it is an adventure for sure – awarded with great views and a really interesting ride.
You probably figured this out already: This trail is not made for beginners. To ensure a pleasant experience for horses and guests, we only offer this ride for experienced riders and we will ask you about your skills beforehand. The weight restriction for this ride is 220 pounds. We do not recommend this ride for children and might (depending on age & experience) encourage you to pick another ride.
This ride is $180 (plus GST) per rider. Minimum 2 riders (additional charge for “solo riders” – please contact us), maximum for this ride is 4 riders. A 25% non-refundable deposit is due when booking
9 Finger Ranch is affiliated with Hostelling International offering you affordable accommodation.
Is this not quite what you were looking for? Browse our other rides available or contact us and we will create a unique experience for your enjoyment.
Please note that times are approximate. When choosing a ride into the Riding Mountain National Park, please add 1 hour to estimated riding time for trailering, driving to the Park, etc. (see fine prints).