… and with the recent snowfalls, our riding season 2020 has come to an end!
Thanks for riding with us! Thanks for allowing us to be your staycation adventure!
Despite the challenging year, we had a great one with many amazing rides and guests. The horses are already working hard on an adequate winter coat and will start their well-deserved winter break on the fields now … we are assuming that they are looking forward to next season already (just like our guides 🙂 )
We are always happy to welcome people on the ranch and show them our area and Riding Mountain National Park on horseback! So a big thanks to everyone who went on a riding adventure with us (and/ or stayed with us) and we can’t wait to see a lot of familiar but also new faces next season!
Some highlights of the season

We went for a morning ride in Riding Mountain National Park at 6am with Parks Canada – got rewarded with amazing light and pictures!

We participated in a photo contest of Asessippi Parkland Tourism and got rewarded with the second place – this means we are on the back cover of the 2020/21 tourism guide. Pretty cool, right?

Jaime from Hike Manitoba did a trail ride with us, too. She wrote a pretty amazing booklet about hiking in Manitoba and has recently published a second one as winter edition (guess who is featured there??) – thanks for your support, Jaime! We enjoyed having you out here and hope to see you again soon.

Travel Manitoba (as in Alex) visited us and went for a ride in the Park – it was great meeting you and thanks for sharing your adventure on Travel Manitoba!

We have set up a home schooling offer as outdoor activity for home schoolers in our area. Kids can learn about horses, cattle ranching and agriculture in general and go on a guided trail ride visiting our cow herd as highlight. As soon as winter starts to fade away next year, we hope that many people will be using this offer again 🙂
Unexpected turn for this little guy 🙂 New home for Dexter!

A guest fell in love with one of our horses – so we decided to let Dexter go and he moved to a nice home where he can keep on going for trail rides with his new owner. Always sad to say bye to a horse but we are sure, he will enjoy it! Thanks Dexter!

Another successful photo contest yay! This photo will be the October photo in the “Westoba’s Hidden Gems of Manitoba Calendar 2021” by Westoba Credit Union.
Happy guests means a happy 9 Finger Ranch Team!
… and since we received a bunch of pictures taken by guests this year, we don’t want to miss out on sharing some of these with you:

Thanks for your pics and for sharing your riding adventures on your social media accounts! Tag us on Instagram & Facebook or use #9fingerranch / #9fingerranchrides – makes it easier for us to notice!
See you next spring!
Horseback riding has to wait until next year BUT…
… cabin rental is available year-round!

… there is a lot to explore in winter!